Spin-EPR-pair separation by conveyor-mode single electron shuttling in Si/SiGe
T Struck, M Volmer, L Visser, T Offermann, R Xue, J-S Tu, S Trellenkamp, Ł Cywiński, H Bluhm, LR Schreiber
Blueprint of a scalable spin qubit shuttle device for coherent mid-range qubit transfer in disordered Si/SiGe/SiO2
V Langrock, JA Krzywda, N Focke, I Seidler, LR Schreiber, Ł Cywiński
Measuring out-of-time-ordered correlation functions without reversing time evolution
Phys. Rev. A
PD Blocher, S Asaad, V Mourik, MAI Johnson, A Morello, K Mølmer
Conveyor-mode single-electron shuttling in Si/SiGe for a scalable quantum computing architecture
NPJ Quant. Inf.
I Seidler, T Struck, R Xue, N Focke, S Trellenkamp, H Bluhm, LR Schreiber
Non-Majorana states yield nearly quantized conductance in proximatized nanowires
Nature Phys.
P Yu, J Chen, M Gomanko, G Badawy, EPAM Bakkers, K Zuo, V Mourik, SM Frolov
Coherent electrical control of a single high-spin nucleus in silicon
S Asaad, V Mourik, B Joecker, MAI Johnson, AD Baczewski, HR Firgau, MT Mądzik, V Schmitt, JJ Pla, FE Hudson, KM Itoh, JC McCallum, AS Dzurak, A Laucht, A Morello
Exploring quantum chaos with a single nuclear spin
Phys. Rev. E
V Mourik, S Asaad, H Firgau, JJ Pla, C Holmes, GJ Milburn, JC McCallum, A Morello
Supercurrent interference in few-mode nanowire Josephson junctions
Phys. Rev. Lett.
K Zuo, V Mourik, DB Szombati, B Nijholt, DJ Van Woerkom, A Geresdi, J Chen, VP Ostroukh, AR Akhmerov, SR Plissard, D Car, EPAM Bakkers, DI Pikulin, LP Kouwenhoven, SM Frolov
Hard superconducting gap in InSb nanowires
ACS Nano Lett.
Ö Gül, H Zhang, FK de Vries, JV Veen, K Zuo, V Mourik, S Conesa-Boj, MP Nowak, DJV Woerkom, M Quintero-Pérez, MC Cassidy, A Geresdi, S Koelling, D Car, SR Plissard, EPAM Bakkers, LP Kouwenhoven
Signatures of Majorana fermions in hybrid superconductor-semiconductor nanowire devices
V Mourik, K Zuo, SM Frolov, SR Plissard, EPAM Bakkers, LP Kouwenhoven