Principal Investigator
TU Delft (BS+MS+PhD) → UNSW Sydney (PostDoc) → FZJ (Junior Team Leader)
I am passionate about studying quantum physics in small, human-made electronic devices. I am curiosity driven in my research, but I want mine to have relevance to society. Contributing to the very early phases of building a quantum computer is a great research niche for me where this comes together. In my research, I advocate open science, including the open access of full research data and protocols, open peer review, and open access of research papers.
Beyond my physics related activities, I love nature, in particular birds. On a voluntary basis I participate as a bird tagger in ecological projects, with the goal of protecting and conserving our natural world. Privately, we have a family with three young kids, so life's busy at the moment, but in a great way.

Working on spin qubits confined in a Ge/SiGe heterostructure with an initial focus on fabrication of nanoscale devices. In a second step we will study these spin qubits to gain insights on the novel properties of Germanium and evaluate their suitability for large scale qubit devices.

Working on making high transparency Josephson junctions with Ge QW 2DHG as the weak-link to study essential quantum phenomena in the system. We plan to use these junctions to study the Andreev bound states and Josephson effect using GHz two tone spectroscopy.

Working on spin qubits in Ge/SiGe heterostructures, concentrating on the electrical and cryogenic setups and device measurements. With these qubits we want to understand the interplay of material parameters and qubit metrics to deliberately engineer devices with increased performance.

Working on making high transparency Josephson junctions with Ge QW 2DHG as the weak-link to study essential quantum phenomena in the system. We plan to use these junctions to study the Andreev bound states and Josephson effect using GHz two tone spectroscopy.

Investigating coherent coupling strength via acoustic or electric modes to nuclear spins of impurity atoms in Ge. The aim of my work is to get theoretical estimates of these coupling strengths and designing an experiment for measuring them. The ultimate goal is to create alternative approaches to coherently control nuclear spins.

Studying large nuclear spins in silicon and germanium for quantum memory applications. I want to understand the coupling of nuclear spins with electrons and holes in quantum dot devices. Going further I will also look into encoding qubits while exploring the redundancy of the larger Hilbert space.