Collaborators & Partners

  1. IQI, Hendrik Bluhm and Lars Schreiber.
  2. FUNQS in association with PGI-13, headed by Rami Barends and Pavel Bushev.
  3. IHP, Felix Reichmann and Giovanni Capellini.
  4. Roma Tre, Giovanni Capellini and Enrico Simola.

Close proximity to the RWTH Physikzentrum allowing for knowledge exchange between FZJ and RWTH through JARA.

Fabrication & Measurement Facilities

  1. Measurement
    • 2x Bluefors LD fridges with 9-1-1 vector magnet.
    • Entropy ADR with 40mK base and 1D single shot time.
    • Electronics supporting low noise DC and high frequency (upto 40 GHz) measurements.
  2. Fabrication