Collaborators & Partners
- IQI, Hendrik Bluhm and Lars Schreiber.
- FUNQS in association with PGI-13, headed by Rami Barends and Pavel Bushev.
- IHP, Felix Reichmann and Giovanni Capellini.
- Roma Tre, Giovanni Capellini and Enrico Simola.
Close proximity to the RWTH Physikzentrum allowing for knowledge exchange between FZJ and RWTH through JARA.
Fabrication & Measurement Facilities
- Measurement
- 2x Bluefors LD fridges with 9-1-1 vector magnet.
- Entropy ADR with 40mK base and 1D single shot time.
- Electronics supporting low noise DC and high frequency (upto 40 GHz) measurements.
- Fabrication