Solid State Quantum Devices Laboratory

Welcome to the group page for the SQUAD lab! We explore quantum phenomena in novel condensed matter devices. Our research is curiosity driven, trying to better understand the microscopic quantum world. Meanwhile, our devices also impact the making of large-scale quantum computers. We currently work on making quantum devices with Germanium quantum wells as part of the JARA collaboration between RWTH Aachen and Forschungszentrum Jülich.

First Josephson junctions have been cooled down!
03 Jul 2024

Xingyue Luo joins us as a ML4Q intern, welcome Xingyue!
15 Jun 2024

Jiaxin Wang joins us as a ML4Q intern, welcome Jiaxin!
28 May 2024

Single Electron Shuttling for Scalable Quantum Computing
Bluhm Group, RWTH Aachen
Coherent Electrical Control of a Single High-Spin Nucleus in Silicon
Morello Group, UNSW Sydney